Language Assessment
Receptive Language (understanding)
Expressive Language (speaking)
Pragmatic Language (social language)
We use formal, standardised language assessments to measure children's ability to understand language and express themselves.
We provide pragmatic language (social skills) assessment to assess children's ability to communicate in a social manner.
Assessment/Feedback cost: Standard therapy rate (see Funding and Fees)
Report: A quote will be provided by your therapist and shall be dependent upon the report complexity.
Complex Assessment
We require a referral from your Paediatrician.
This will allow you to receive a medicare rebate for the costs of services.
Our assessments are done by:
Clinical Psychologist
Speech Pathologist
Our complex assessments are comprehensive and thorough. We support parents, answer their questions and consider their concerns throughout this process. Our assessment includes:
Parent/Carer Interview
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2)
Observation of your child in their natural settings; home, childcare, Kindergarten (if necessary)
Discussion with other professionals involved (e.g. Teacher or Occupational Therapist)
Assessment, report and feedback cost: Standard therapy rate (see Funding and Fees)

Stuttering Assessment
Fluency is our ability to string words together without breaks, repetitions or elongations of sounds.
Our assessments are done by:
Clinical Psychologist
Speech Pathologist
We assess children's fluency based upon;
Our observations
Clinical measures
Parent report
We have specialist training to provide therapy to pre-school children with fluency difficulties (stutter).
Assessment/Feedback cost: Standard therapy rate (see Funding and Fees)
Report: A quote will be provided by your therapist and shall be dependent upon the report complexity.
Sensory Processing Assessment
Sensory Processing is the way in which we interpret and organise sensation from our own bodies and our environment.
We assess children's sensory processing patterns based upon;
Our observations
Early childhood educator report
Parent report
We have specialist training to provide therapy to pre-school children with sensory processing difficulties to assist them in feeling calm and organised. We can also provide recommendations for sensory tools, and environmental modifications to support your childs needs.
Assessment/Feedback cost: Standard therapy rate (see Funding and Fees)
Report: A quote will be provided by your therapist and shall be dependent upon the report complexity.
Gross and Fine Motor Assessment
Gross Motor skills require whole body movements and which involve the large (core stabilising) muscles of the body to perform everyday functions.
Fine Motor skills require control and strength in the smaller muscles of the hands, fingers, and thumbs.
We assess children's Gross and Fine Motor based upon;
Our observations
Clinical measures
Parent/educator report
We have experience in providing therapy to pre-school children with fine or gross motor delays.
Assessment/Feedback cost: Standard therapy rate (see Funding and Fees)
Report: A quote will be provided by your therapist and shall be dependent upon the report complexity.